“The only LGBTQ+ National Football Supporters Group
that can't have fans from its own nation.”

In Qatar, it's illegal to be gay. Punishment ranges from three years in prison to torture and death penalty. With the 2022 World Cup taking place in Qatar, 6 billion global viewers tuned in, bringing new attention to the local LGTBQ+ community, making it the perfect time to act.
To highlight Qatar's persecution we gave their National Football Team its first ever LGBTO+ football supporters group, The Proud Maroons. Named after the teams nickname, The Maroons, The Proud Maroons can't have fans from its own nation, so we invited the worldwide LBGTO+ community to proudly show and share their love during Qatar games, all in support of the local community who can't.
Over the course of the games, The Proud Maroons became the largest LGBTO+ national supporters group in World Cup history, turning the most silenced supporters in the loudest. Real LGBTQ+ Qataris anonymously shared their personal stories of persecution with our President - helping the Humans Rights Watch to create the first ever report on the LGBTO+ Qatari Persecutions.
Client: The Alwan Foundation
Agency: the community
Role: Creative Copywriter
Case Study

Proud Maroons Launch video, this is how everything started.
Newspapers around the globe picked up the news.

We bombarded social media with content to create our fan base

Right before the World Cup started, thousands of people joined The Proud Maroons. Making us the biggest LGBTQ supporters group in World Cup History.

Even 64+ organizations and other LGBTQ supporters groups became Proud Maroons.

What no one saw was all the hate that we received.

But most importantly support messages and stories from everywhere.

Shortlist / Cannes Lions 2023. PR not for profit
Gold Andy / Andy Awards 2023. Bravery
Merit / One Show 2023. Creative Effectiveness - Non Profit
Shortlist / NYF 2023. G100
Shortlist / One Show 2023. Social post
Shortlist / One Show 2023. Community Building
Shortlist / One Show 2023. Multicultural impact