Scientific Research presented at ICITS 2021 Congress.
Published at "Information Technology and Systems" ICITS 2021 Volume 1
You can buy the article here: Players Attitudes Towards In-Game Advertising
Rios-Pino L.F., Mejía-Perea J.E., Gallardo-Echenique E.E. (2021) Players Attitudes Towards In-Game Advertising. In: Rocha Á., Ferrás C., López-López P.C., Guarda T. (eds) Information Technology and Systems. ICITS 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1330. Springer, Cham.
Users are actively protesting against invasive digital ads by downloading adblocking software. Recent games developers introduce dynamic and interactive advertising into virtual worlds. In this context, video games like NBA2K18 launched different platforms like billboards and other advertising media within the game. This study aims to analyze how the user’s experience in NBA2K18 is regarding the participation of brands in it. It is positioned in the interpretive paradigm and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The participants were 15 NBA2K18 players, considered “hardcore players” whose ages ranged from 18 to 25. MyCareer, a game mode in NBA 2K18 will be studied. Findings show all participants agreed that brands are necessary in this game because they help the players fulfilled every fantasy requirement. Young people’s perceptions revolved around how the brands help them pursuing their dreams. Brands in NBA2K18, do not undergo the experience of the game; rather, they enhance it, so that players feel it much more like real life.
Keywords: Videogames, Virtual world, Player, In-game advertising