Scientific Research presented at CISTI 2021 Congress.
16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
You can buy the article here: Brand Integration in NBA2K18 Virtual World
L. F. Rios-Pino, J. E. Mejía-Perea and E. Gallardo-Echenique, "Brand integration in NBA2K18 Virtual World," 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476479.
Over the past several years, brands have entered the world of video games as part of their branded content strategy. There are two types of video game advertising: advergaming and in-game advertising. The aim of the study was to analyze how is the presence of different brands in the game NBA2K18, along with its different formats. NBA2K18 is a series of basketball video games developed by Sega Dreamcast. This study is positioned in the interpretative paradigm with a qualitative methodology. For data collection, the technique used was the participatory observation. As a result, it was evidence that the different participating brands in NBA2K18 have mimicked with the game storytelling in the players' self-realization process. They have applied both dynamic and static in-game advertising formats throughout the game. Brands have managed to be part of the narrative; this result would have been completely different if they had created a game from scratch as proposed by the advergaming model.
Keywords: Videogames, Virtual world, Player, In-game advertising